To get started, click on a menu item above then press 'Search'.
You can optionally enter a search term.
Searches are case insensitive.
Your file is ready
Advanced Search
Search for criteria to add using the search field, or navigate to them directly in the tree, then click on the tree element to add them to the search.
As many criteria as desired can be selected from the tree and they will be added in order of selection to the search.
Criterion can be deleted by clicking on the 'x' on the top right of the criterion block displayed in the right hand panel.
Within a criterion block, sub-criteria can be added and deleted. This can be done by clicking on the '+' and '-' buttons immediately to the right of the sub-criterion.
Wild cards like '%' and '*' are not required as they are automatically added depending on the operator used.
Query parameters
Query parameters
Query parameters
Query parameters
Report options
Add to an existing list
Remove from an existing list
Add to a new
list called
Before selecting a map extent (area of interest), switch to the
"Select feature" tool rather than the default "Pan" tool.
To select a map extent (area of interest), hold the left mouse
button and drag a polygon around the map extent. To
finish, release the mouse button, which will close the map extent
dialog and load the results of your search.
Error message text.
No map sheet available
Error message text.
Error message text.
Select a LAS file to create well log and well log curve records for the associated well.