Simply type in a fragment of text or ID number of the record or records you want to find.
Browsing Search Results
All records matching your search results show in the 'grid' of results.
You can scroll up and down to see more records.
Only the first few records are show in the list. As you scroll down you will see more records loaded into the list.
Advanced Search
You can build complex queries where individual fields meet specific criteria. More on this can be found here.
User Defined Queries
Some queries have been pre-built and are available for running here.
You can combine simple searching, advanced searching and user queries.
Filtering Results
You can filter all search results by column. Type in part of a word or number and after a brief pause will filter the results.
Example searches and how to use the wild-card character '*' :
philContaining 'phil'
phil*Starting with 'phil'
*ingEnding with 'ing'
*Having any value
Any of these can be inverted with the NOT character '!' eg: !phil or !*ing or !*
Viewing a Record
Click on any row to view more details about the record.
Browsing Extra Details
A row of buttons may appear under the 'grid' when you are viewing a record to see additional details about that record.
A count of how many records are available is shown after the buttons caption eg 'Cores 12'.
If there is no number after the button caption then there are no additional records.
The last button you click on will be the first button pressed when you change records.
Logging In To Edit
You need to be logged in to edit records.
When you are logged in you will see a '+' in the 'grid' toolbar to add a new record.
Information messages are in an orange colour and go away after a while.
If you move your mouse over an Information message it will remain in place and you will have to close it with the 'x'.
Error messages always remain in place and you have to close them with the 'x'.